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Wir sind Experten im People Placement und bieten agile Plug & Play Lösungen für Agenturen und Unternehmen im Bereich Marketing, Markenberatung und Live Kommunikation, um sie mit der richtigen Personal Ressource bei ihren Projekten & Pitches zu begleiten.


With a network of experienced experts, we offer a wide range of personnel in all aspects of project management, with an experienced manager from our permanent team always on hand to provide advice. We convey personalities and prioritize quality over quantity.


We place the right people flexibly and precisely.

We put together customized account teams on a temporary or long-term basis under our consulting and management. Our agile people placement adapts to changing content and capacity requirements and complements the respective experts in their disciplines.


Our professionals act as our own employees for customers and work together to create the best possible solutions.

Thanks to our flexible approach, we offer a cost- and result-efficient model – from the business for the business.

Lass uns sprechen!

Vereinbare jetzt dein Beratungsgespräch und lass uns gemeinsam schauen, wie wir dein Projekt bestmöglich unterstützen können.

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